What We Do

S.O.S. hosts educational and networking geared toward two main audiences:

Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers: Our activities provide opportunities to meet and share individual experiences in order to provide support and bridge the gap in education and awareness.  It is our hope that by providing parents, guardians, and caregivers the support they need, sickle cell survivors will have more opportunities to live long, happy, healthy, and productive lives.

Sickle Cell Survivors: Our activities allow survivors to participate in our face-to-face events which gives them the opportunity to meet others living with sickle cell disease.


TeleTalks are our monthly call-in support groups for parents, guardians, and caregivers of Sickle Cell Survivors. TeleTalks are a safe and friendly environment for caregivers to discuss their concerns and experiences with other parents, guardians, and caregivers. Whether you are an experienced caregiver or new to the sickle cell journey, we welcome you to call in and get the support you need or be the support for someone else.

Family Education Workshops

Our workshops are designed to increase parent/caregiver knowledge and awareness of issues important to the care and management of sickle cell disease in various settings.

The workshops are interactive and bring together both experts in the field and parents/caregivers in the trenches.

Annual Fundraiser

Show your support for Survivors with Sickle Cell and look good at the same time! Our annual fundraiser features unique t-shirts and hoodies with empowering messages that help spread awareness about sickle cell. In 2020, we featured masks to support sickle cell and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

TeleTalk Live!

We host TeleTalk Live! Events in conjunction with Texas Children’s Hospital sickle cell programs. The Live! events are the in-person version of our monthly support groups.

Survivor Relief Kits

The SRK is a sickle cell survivor care package. Eack kit includes useful tools for pain and crisis management.

TCH Sickle Cell Parking Fund

In 2019, we initiated a parking fund to provide assistance to families of Sickle Cell Survivors who receive care at Texas Children’s Hospital Sickle Cell Clinic in the Texas Medical Center.

Make a donation.

“Through S.O.S. donations we are able to reach out into the community to educate and bring awareness by using our members’ knowledge and experiences to meet, share with, support, teach and learn from one another.”